Sunday, May 28, 2017

17 November 1997 - from Dream Notebook No. 1

I'm going up towards the Terwilliger Hot Springs at Cougar Reservoir, and it looks very different—all very open—I'm walking through the dry lakebed of the lake below. I walk straight up to it and all the trees are cut down and there's a paved, cemented over area—I think it's cemented over, but there's still hot springs, close up. The rest is presented like a news story: Some people started bringing snakes in the hot springs, some of which thrived and reproduced. Many of the snakes were poisonous and bit people. Three people died. But many of the regulars became immune to the snake poison and were bit regularly. The government tried to get rid of the snakes, but they were protected under the Freedom of Religion Act, as the regulars had made it into a religion. Looks like I wasn't going in the hot springs anymore!

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